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Bangkok burning and smokey skies

May 19, 2010

Looting and fires are still going strong, I can see from my apartment view

So Bangkok is still burning and filling the skies with smoke. When they going to finish???

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2 Responses to “Bangkok burning and smokey skies”

  1. The whole world is watching Bangkok burn, I’m interested to see how this is going to effect tourism to Thailand? All we can do is wait and see, although what we learned from previous coup’s and red-shirt happenings most of the tourists forget about it quickly (especially the single ones) 😉

  2. Haha, yes you are right, it’d definitely going to hurt tourism a LOT for a while, but after months or a year or so I think it’ll be back on it’s feet

    I heard Central World Trade is supposed to be fixed and rebuilt within 6 months! (I hope!)

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