California Wow at Esplanade Ratchada now closed
I visited California WOW Esplanade today May 5th, and they are now closed for good.
Last week I was urged to pay my yearly renewal fee of 2888 baht. This is totally unfair since they closed only a week later. Does anyone know where and when they are giving our refunds?
Their paper reads:
Attention: All members
It is with our deepest regret that we can no longer continue to keep the CAWOW Esplanade club operational.
Effective May 10th, 2013 the club will be closed for workouts. We would like to thank all members for your loyalty throughout our difficult situation.
We hope that CAWOW has mad ea positive difference in your life and that you have become passionate about maintaining a consistent exercise program.
Any members that have shoe lockers can remove their belongings before May 10th. After this date, the company reserves the right to process all belongings in a safe appropriate manner.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 02-791 0000.
Kind regards,
CAWOW Management
I will be calling them soon asking for details about refunds, and will post any information that I find here.
I guess most of you have seen this already?
New news uncovering about the massive California Wow fraud